Nosework, also known as scent work or K9 nose work, allows your dog to use their innate desire to hunt and to detect and determine the source of a scent. This activity provides great mental and physical exercise for your dog while building a stronger relationship between a dog and its handler.
It is surprisingly easy to begin training from the comfort of your home and can be largely rewarding for your dog. It’s also one of the fastest-growing dog sports. Here are five reasons why you should try nosework with your furry friend.
1. Any Dog Can Benefit From Nosework
Most dogs can participate and benefit from nosework no matter their size, breed or age. The one way your dog will have a positive outcome from nosework, however, is if they have a desire to follow their nose. Putting trust in your dog will give your furry friend the confidence they need and make the beginning stages of training much easier.
You can begin nose work conveniently in your home with the proper nosework supplies. We offer nosework canisters and sets that will make at-home training a breeze. Your furry friend loves sniffing about so why not turn it into a fun and rewarding activity for both you and your dog. Nosework can be especially beneficial for puppies learning discipline and instill confidence in your dog from a young age.
2. Nosework Can Improve Agility Performance
The confidence gained during scent work easily translates into your dog’s agility performance. Timid dogs who consistently do nosework and learn to confidently follow their instincts will gain the boldness they need to excel in dog agility training.
This confidence also improves your furry friends’ obedience performance. Consistent nose work builds trust between a dog and their handler, and this, in turn, can improve obedience and make it easier to teach agility skills.
Scent training can also be valuable for dogs with previous trauma. Coming back to a dog’s roots with their natural desire to hunt can restore confidence in a dog with a traumatic past. Not only will your furry friend’s obedience increase, but so will their focus when it comes time to start training.
Doing some light scent work with cotton swabs at agility competitions can help focus your dog and help eliminate any distractions they may face at public events, so don’t forget to bring along your nosework supplies when you head to agility competitions.
3. Nosework Supplies Are Easy-To-Use & Portable
Your furry friend brings their nose with them wherever they go which makes scent training extremely travel-friendly. Nosework is an easy activity to start with your dog because all the necessary nosework supplies are compact and easy to take just about anywhere. Our nosework canisters and sets can fit in virtually any backpack or purse and can be used in a variety of environments.
You can begin training by placing delicious foods like hotdogs or meat in the canisters to get your dog used to this exciting new game. Once your dog associates the odor with a reward, you can begin to introduce the three most common odors dogs are trained on, which include essential oils of anise, birch, and clove. Beginning scent work can be a fun, new game for you and your furry friend that can be done in a multitude of environments with many delicious treats.
If you do plan to compete, it is best to eventually transition into just using the scents that your dog will be using during competition. Be sure to read all of the rules and regulations for your organization carefully to ensure you are picking the correct scents. While anise, birch, and clove are the most common scents, a few organizations use other scents such as wintergreen or cypress oil.
4. Nosework Training Can Strengthen Your Bond
Nosework has a positive effect on both a dog and its owner. When beginning training, allow your dog to take the lead. Let your furry friend begin to trust their nose and follow their innate instincts.
Follow closely behind your dog and reward them when they have successfully located a scent. This exercise will strengthen the bond between you and your dog and build trust throughout the training process. When your dog locates a scent, it will turn to you for praise and confirmation of success which will strengthen the trust between you and your dog.
Scent work is especially beneficial for those whose dogs are timid or have behavioral issues. By relying on each other during nosework exercises, you and your furry friend will work as a team, creating a stronger bond and a great sense of accomplishment for your dog when they correctly locate a scent.
5. Nosework Is Fun!
Prepare to be amazed by your dog’s ability to locate scents after only a couple of training sessions. Not only is nosework mentally stimulating for your dog, but it can also be a fun exercise for both you and your dog. Watching your furry friend successfully locate and alert you of a hidden scent is a rewarding experience.
While being a fun game for both an owner and their dog, nosework additionally can help burn off extra energy your dog may have. Scent work can be done in any environment so get creative with when and where you and your dog do your training sessions. Remember to keep your training lessons short to ensure you and your dog are having a positive and fun experience.
There are plenty of positive reasons why you should start nosework with your dog and beginning training is a breeze with our nosework canisters and sets. Be patient with your dog and remember to let them take the lead during training sessions so they can learn to trust their nose.
How To Get Started
While you can work with certified nose work instructors or take a nosework class, it’s not that hard to get started on your own. You can purchase our nosework canisters and either odor kits or simply head to your local natural foods or holistic health store to purchase essential oils.
As stated above, you also can start out by adding a treat to the canister that includes a scent already familiar to your dog and then transition to the typical target odors (anise, etc.) used in competition but many people choose to start with the essential oils and simply reward a dog with a tasty treat when they successfully find a scent.
It’s best for handlers to wear gloves during training so that the essential oils do not end up on your skin, which can confuse your dog. Also, handle the essential oil-soaked cotton balls with tweezers to further ensure that you come into as little contact with the oil as possible.
Begin by introducing an odor and then providing a treat to the dog so that they associate the odor with a treat. In the early days of training, when you start hiding the canister and encouraging the dog to search for the scent, be sure to reward with a treat immediately once your dog finds the odor. Eventually you can begin hiding scent canisters in more difficult areas, such as in cardboard boxes or under a pile of blankets or pillows.

Our Nosework Supplies
At Carlson Agility, we offer a set of three nosework cannisters as well as a set of 6 canisters with a wooden storage platform. These are the same type of high-quality canisters that are used during competition. Additionally, if you are interested in agility training, we carry a full line of competition-quality agility equipment. If you have any questions about our nosework supplies or our dog agility training equipment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at any time.
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